
Your instagrams in stone, coasters

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Each set is $25 + shipping

On Coastermatic


Whether you lean more towards a traditional glass, or like to mix it up with a few extra flavors, nothing makes a summer day sweeter than a fresh glass of lemonade.

Today On Coastermatic, we bring you a few lemonade recipes to get you ready for the weekend.

Homemade Lemonade by Ree, The Pioneer Woman



Watermelon Mint Lemonade by Alice Currah 

Watermelon Lemonade


Basil Lemonade by Jess Simpson

Basil Lemonade


Need something to rest that sweaty glass on?
Why not make a set of coasters!

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A Favorite Set by @megginelizabeth

Starting today, each month we'll feature one of our favorite customer sets. We love coasters that capture an especially cute moment, a beautiful scene, or those that get creative in unexpected ways. The creator of each chosen set receives a gift code for a complimentary set of Coastermatic coasters, including shipping.

This month's featured set is by @megginelizabeth!

She made these coasters as a gift for Mother's Day. We get a fair few pet coasters through our doors, but we really enjoy the reduced color palette and the different camera angles of this set. That bull terrier sure is cute too!

Want to be in to win?

Just take a fabulous photo of your coasters and tag it with #coastermatic on Instagram. Featured sets receive a gift code for a free Coastermatic set of 4 coasters. Make more for yourself, or send them to a friend!

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Introducing On Coastermatic, our amazing new blog

Margaritas from Nita Nita

Here's to a week of announcements!

On Tuesday we told you about our new site, and today we're unleashing a new direction for the blog. Over the last year, Anna, our wonderful lead copywriter, has been pulling together stories of amazing photographers, fun products, and artists from all over the web. Starting today, we'll begin to add stories on, what we call, Coaster Living to the mix.

Coaster Living is how we think about coasters and coaster-related topics here in Coasterica (Coastermatic HQ). Each week we'll supply you with exciting news from our office, as well as tips and tricks that will make entertaining at home a lot more fun. Whether it's a new twist on a classic cocktail, something fun to talk about, or a simple way to capture an event, On Coastermatic's got you covered.

From here on out, you can look forward to regular posts about:

  • Tasty drinks to sit on top of your coasters
  • Mobile photography tips and inspiration, to help you capture all of those perfect moments
  • Decorating and conversational tricks that will make evenings memorable for years to come

We think there's a lot of fun to be had sipping cocktails in the summer breeze, and hopefully you do too.


Be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook to keep up with the latest On Coastermatic.

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Coastermatic: new and improved!

Coastermatic: Your instagrams in stone coasters

It's been a little while since we updated you with the comings and goings here at Coasterica (Coastermatic HQ). Since wrapping up grad school and moving to beautiful Lanikai, we've been hard at work making all the improvements to that we've been dreaming of since last summer.

We've got a whole new website and blog!  

After some research and deliberation, we decided to integrate with Shopify. This gives us a bunch of handy new features, like this blog, but the most exciting is a new shopping cart backed with all of the security and support the team at Shopify provides. 

The new cart means you can now can create as many coaster sets as you like, and order as many as your heart desires - all in one sitting. This definitely beats the old version of the site, where we could only handle a single set at a time. Thanks to everyone who let us know this feature was on their wish list!

We've also taken some time to spruce up our home page and the way you pick your coaster images. now opens up with a nice big photo of one of our favorite sets here in Coasterica (Coastermatic HQ), links to some of the press that have been nice enough to write about us, AND features some amazing photos of #coastermatic sets from Instagram.

Last but not least is our image selection page. The UI nerds in us decided it was time simplify. We moved the selection tray to the top of the page and combined it with our frame cropping feature. So, instead of going to a whole new page to crop out frames, you can do it with one easy click. The new layout makes selecting coasters easier on the eye for our mobile visitors too.

Feel like giving the new site a spin? Go on and start your set

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