Team Profile: Sam

Meet one of the members of the Coastermatic Team! 

Samantha "Sam" Lau (@hungryhungrysam)

Location: Brooklyn, NY

Favorite Designer Set: Donuts by April V. Walters

Best Drink on a Coastermatic Coaster: water?
"Even though I only drink water, sometimes I purposely pour some in a cup so I can use the coasters. Other times, I just pour the water on the coaster and watch it disappear..."

Favorite work spot: Dorm room, it's a sanctuary 

A little more about Sam:

Samantha Lau is a Brooklyn, NY native who is in her sophomore year at Wesleyan University in Middletown Connecticut. She is one of our magical Instagram, bloggers, and vloggers outreach assistants. While she is one of the busiest gals we have ever seen, she always makes time to do awesome work for Coastermatic. None of us can pick a reason as to why we like Coastermatic so much, but we're pretty sure Sam is just obsessed with the donuts coasters ;)

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